Sunday, November 21, 2010 , 12:21 PM

我,对你重要吗? 到底有多重要? 突然好想好想知道。。。
虽然我知道你工作很忙,我真的有学着去体谅你了。。我没要求你每分每刻都呆在手机旁,一收到我的简讯就立刻恢复我,我也没要求你放吃饭的时候一定要发简讯给我告诉我你吃饱了让我没那么担心你饿着肚子。。我也没要求你放工后告诉我今天又多累或多忙或有什么开心事情发生。。你放工后我上线了也没要求你一定要和我聊天,因为我知道你想打游戏。。你打完游戏了我也没要求你来找我,因为我知道你打完游戏就会去pps看戏。。有时等到你看完戏后真的好累了。。但我就是每晚都坚持等,为了只是想听到你的声音。。和你聊聊天。。哪怕只是几十分钟我都很开心很满足了。。不想和你说这些。。因为我怕你会说我太依赖你。。我想给你有自己的生活空间也是。。只是。。。有时。。我真的是忍不住好想你好想你哦~~~~~~~ x(

Monday, November 08, 2010 , 6:26 AM

can't wait for wednesday! it's baby's PAYDAY hohoho going out gai gai wheee ^_^ i miss that pig so much...
MEGAMIND last night with chocolate and sy. funny show hehe and kind of touching. wanted to surprise baby with his fav JIN GUA PAI GU rice but he sms-ed me before that. learnt of a news which made me kinda unhappy but ohwells. >< being able to see him ytd, 我已经很满足了... to speak of the truth, i really really HATE to see him upset :( especially over certain things like ___. i don't know, maybe i'm too over-protective but seeing him upset really makes me feel 28947894578934 times worse =/ i'm just glad that i am able to be by his side when he's down.. maybe i am stupid but seeing him happy is really important to me, more than anything else. i really trust him and treasure him, sometimes i can't help but wonder if he feels that way too.
idk. i really don't know >.<
i like it when he hugs me tight and tells me that everything is gonna be alright. but at the same time, i can't help but feel just a TINY bit insecure. i'm sorry baby, that's because i love you too much.

我还记得以前我们还是朋友的时候,你对我好体贴,我真的真的好怕自己会不小心爱上你.. 现在的我虽然是和你在一起了,但是我好害怕会失去你.

Thursday, November 04, 2010 , 3:31 AM

昨天你答应我会等我.. 我说如果要你等五年,你做得到吗 你说可以...
我会记住你的承诺,而且我百分百相信你.. 别辜负我啊
我爱你 {老公}